Was chatting with fione the other day about starting my own blog, have been procastinating and finally made the very first move in creating one. Btw, Fione is one of my best friend n my best colleague in KKH. Working life is tough its always good to have a good friend by your side to provide support. One that you can pour all ur unhappiness n happiness from work.
Today is the last day of my long CNY holiday a total of 12 days, pretty long holiday haven been doing anything meaningful, hmm got to think of something to do, kinda wasting my time away...Going back to work tomorrow seems funny after such a long break, nevetheless still got to return to work...Back to the battle field....
Speaking of CNY, this is a special year because this is the 1st time i went to HuiJun's place for CNY and learnt a new skill (dry swimming) Ü Yup, its mahjong sad to say have been the one paying school fees to the Gao Shous..... Nonetheless, its fun and its a once a year thingy so no regrets. Whats more, we had great food, the steamboat and guess wat? The fish slices for the steam boat was actually kept frozen for 2 years yet it still taste fresh n tender. We also had pizzahut and Yusheng. Btw, Huijun is my best friend since Secondary school.

Also had dinner with 2 of my best friends Meizhen & Aijuan since primary school, acutally me and Aijuan are quite fated, we went to the same class from primary 1 to primary 6 and even went to the same secondary school and even shared the same ECA and even in the same flute section. Whereas Meizhen went to a different Sec school and joined the band too but she was in the percussion section. Nonetheless, we remained as best friends though we seldom c each other. But its the thot that counts right Ü