Tuesday, June 12, 2007

安徒生写的[红舞鞋] 里的贫穷女孩,一心向往着红色的芭蕾舞鞋, 那双鞋代表着她脱离贫困环境的渴望,可是当她穿上了红鞋之后, 她的双脚却受制于那双红舞鞋,舞鞋受了诅咒跳个不停,脱也脱不掉,直到她砍掉了自己的双脚,直到她有一天[蒙主恩召],才获得了平静。永远停不下来的红舞鞋,先让你如成仙般的快乐,接着让你欲死不得的红舞鞋 是对于欲望的诅咒。仿佛在说: 如果你想要的东西超越了你的身份地位,你就会受制于它,永远在水深火热的欲望中舞蹈。

这是一个有着往好处来看, 它有让你[清心寡欲] 的寓意: 往坏处来看,这是一种对个人追求成功,超越自己的恐惧。也有艺术家从中读出了不一样的寓意,说:这是一则追求自由的寓言,即使自由中往往包含着痛苦和折磨。其实, 每一个成功的人,每一个人生潦倒的人也都穿着一双红舞鞋,谁没有欲望呢? 从未穿过红鞋的人, 一生遗憾,穿错红鞋的人,也遗憾终身。欲望会自己跳舞,具有强大的驱动力,也是一个人突破困境的主要动力。

只可惜,有些人被欲望熏坏了清明的心,有些人仍有清明心来控制他的脚步。那双鞋, 是一双帮助人平步青云的鞋,还是一双使人跳个断了脚,永劫不复的鞋,就看是鞋子穿你,还是你穿鞋子。。。就看你能不能在想要休息的时候,命令那双鞋停下来,不许它违背你的真实心意再跳舞。不能控制的欲望,才是一双被诅咒的鬼红鞋。


Postado Por: hucklebeary às 12:01 AM

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

在不如意之事常常十之八九之余, 我们仍能享受那独特一二快乐之事, 能够随时让甜蜜愉悦领航我们的思绪,唯有我们做思考的主人, 才能做自己的主人。

于是, 我们深刻的体会, 快乐是一种当下的选择, 快乐是自找的, 快乐就在鼻
尖, 快乐真的来自刹那, 并在瞬间化为永恒, 快乐就是单纯的为你欢喜, 快乐
不是总统大选胜利时的兴奋欢呼, 而是日常生活片刻的满足, 并且在满足中充满了静谧与人生更深层的领悟。

于是我们可以用比较缓慢的步伐从容省视我们的历程, 找寻那让我们可以快乐的念头或画面。 把寻找到的快乐存起来, 为快乐开一个户头, 为自己每一天存一些快乐, 让每一天的快乐可以增值。每次存一些, 记取它在你生命中的回响, 随时的回首,你会看到快乐资产的增加。 快乐是自己决定的, 愿我们都能时时幸福的品味, 只要每天"许" 一些快乐, 就能 "活得越久, 领的快乐越多"。 因为你就是最可爱的快乐富翁!

当我年老时, 让我真正觉得富有的不是财富, 而是一个充满趣味与感动的人生。 从生活里去发现吧! 生活里有许多智慧可以摄取, 生活即使琐碎, 但定下心仍能从其中创造出美感。


Postado Por: hucklebeary às 3:45 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007



有得多不如有得巧。 如果衣柜里都是适合你,会加分的衣服,你不需花太多时间,
就可以漂漂亮亮的出门,所节省的 "时间成本" 绝对值回票价。

人也比较听得进去。 别在精力耗弱时想不愉快的事情。


当我发现自己的 "压力症状" 出现时,我会暂时脱离 "压力现场" 一下,不急者把事

其实很多事我们可以做得有方法一点! 过程可以变得简单,目标可以更加明确。

懂得"施"的技巧得福报,"受" 得让施者开心的继续得幸福。 现代人的施与受, 必

到八十分, 也可以得到一百分。


Postado Por: hucklebeary às 4:03 PM

Tuesday, May 15, 2007



Postado Por: hucklebeary às 6:25 PM

Monday, May 14, 2007

A long but meangingful poem, take time to read and digest

The Road To Success is Always Under Construction

Diplomacy is the art of letting someone else get your way.
Life is not no much a matter of position as of disposition.
The best vitamin for making friends, B-1.
If you don't care where you're going any road will get you there.

A pint of example is worth a gallon of advice.
He who throws mud loses ground.
Nobody raises his own reputation by lowering others.
Nothing ruins the truth like stretching it.

A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks.
Ideas won't work unless you do.
The future is purchased by the present.
One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.
Lost time is never found again.

A hard thing about business is minding your own.
Triumph is just "umph" added to try.
Caution is not cowardly, Carelessness is not courage.

He who forgives ends the quarrel.
Children need more models than critics.
Frogs have it easy, They can eat what bugs them.

The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime.
If the going gets easy you may be going downhill.
Dieters - People that are thick and tired of it.

Jumping to conclusions can be bad exercise.
The best labor saving device is doing it tomorrow.
A turtle makes progress when it sticks its neck out.
Failure is the path of least persistence.
Hard work is the yeast that raises the dough.
Patience is counting down without blasting off.

Have a backbone not a wishbone.
Some folks won't look up until they are flat on their backs.
If you want your dreams to come true, don't oversleep.

Friend - One who knows all about you and likes you just the same.
Money talks and often just says, "Good-bye".
Birds have bills too and they keep on singing.
Forbidden fruit is responsible for many a bad jam.

God's retirement plan is out of this world.
A good example is the best sermon.
The Ten Commandments are not multiple choice.
Well done! is better than, Well said!

Minds are like parachutes - they function only when open.
Live as you wish your kids would.
Swallowing your pride seldom leads to indigestion.
If you can laugh at it then you can live with it.
People don't fail, they give up.

When looking for faults use a mirror, not a telescope.
Smile, it takes only 13 muscles; A frown takes 64.
Kindness, a language deaf people can hear and blind can see.
Heaviest thing to carry - a grudge.

A smooth sea never made a skillful sailor.
A small leak can sink a great ship.
You can't direct the wind, but you can adjust your sails.

We lie loudest when we lie to ourselves.
Tact is the ability to see others as they wish to be seen.
A bad conscience has a very good memory.
Hug your kids at home - Belt them in the car.
One thing you can give and still keep - is your word.

A friend walks in when everyone else walks out.
If you must cry over spilled milk then please try to condense it.
Behavior is the mirror in which everyone shows their image.
Make friends before you need them.

It's not the load that breaks you down, it's the way you carry it.
The smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention.
Success is … more attitude than aptitude.
Our favorite attitude should be gratitude.

The greatest of all faults is to imagine you have none.
Too many of us speak twice before we think.
Some people develop eye strain looking for trouble.
Everyone has 20/20 hindsight.

The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.
It is much easier to be critical than to be correct.
Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death.

It is no crime not to be perfect.
If others have sinned you need not mention it.
No man knows less than the man who knows it all.

Patience carries a lot of wait.
One who lacks courage to start has already finished.
A quitter never wins, A winner never quits.
Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often.

Break a bad habit - Drop it.
Don't learn safety rules simply by accident.
Failing to prepare We prepare to fail.
Past failures are guideposts for future success.

There is no right way to do a wrong thing.
There can be no rainbow without a cloud and a storm.
If your dreams turn to dust…vacuum.

Money is a good servant but is a cruel master.
Seek joy in what you give not in what you get.
Procrastination is the thief of time.

Success comes in cans Failure comes in can'ts.
Anger is one letter short of danger.
Greatest remedy for anger is delay.

2/3 of promotion is motion.
Having a sharp tongue can cut your own throat.
Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.

Author: Unknown

Postado Por: hucklebeary às 3:12 PM

Friday, May 11, 2007

Its was a rainy evening at ponggol beach, missed out the sunset again... hmm, perhaps weather changes according to our moods, when we are moody everything around us seems to be moody as well... Should a beach be a romatic place or a place to look for solace? Perhaps it depends on the mood of individual...

Attended a reflective thinking workshop today, the trainer showed us this picture which I find its quite meaningful

Do you think is this a sunrise or sunset?
Well, it all depends on an individual. For an optimistic person it would most likely be a sunrise, on the other hand it could be a sunset for a pessimistic person. So the important thing i am trying to bring across is: "to be a happy person, one must have a positive mindset, without it life is a misery." One must learn to let go, when things are not meant to be then its not meant to be no point holding on... Happiness is waiting for us at the end of the tunnel if only we were willing to walk through the dark to find happiness... To be happy is a choice not a wish. Life is short, learn to cherish what you have before your eyes cause we have been focusing on what we don't have for too long and hurting the people who loves you...... People around you once gone is forever, we will never get them back, so don't live to regret, there are things that one can change if they want to.

Postado Por: hucklebeary às 10:22 PM

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Postado Por: beaNie 豆豆 às 11:06 PM

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