Monday, March 26, 2007
Worked the most free working day last Sunday, only had 2 patients, hmm guess this will onli happen in KKH hee. Finally my night colleagues came to take over the shift, happily walked to the staff toilet onli to find my sandals missing.... Hmm, could i have left it in my locker or inside my bag? Hmm, searched high, low, left, right no sandals in sight.... Hmm.... how could this happen? Have been leaving my sandals on the shoe rack for so long and nothing like this has ever happened..... Thot i might have offended somebody or somebody wore my sandals home by mistake....
Left with no choice got to wear my black track shoes home with my 3/4 pants. Walked back to my ward to tell my colleagues, then kind ah ma went back to e toilet with me to help me find still no sign of my sandals... maybe 4 eyes better than 2 but still.... sigh...
Smsed fione about it, she felt disgusted thinking what if the owner had atheletic foot??? Hmm... Cannot understand what's so nice about stealing old shoes? Its not even new, not even branded...
Then i smsed my bf, he asked me to think on the positive side, he said " when something bad happens, it means something good is on the way". Hmm, sounds nice Ü Maybe God is giving me excuses to buy new sandals hee. Actually i'm not angry over the lost of my sandals, just cannot understand what that person is thinking...
Postado Por:
hucklebeary às 7:03 PM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Hmm, got an invitation to my colleague's son 3rd birthday party. Was thinking of what to buy for little john, thanks to ah ma that we finally found 8 more people to chip in a birthday bicycle for him out of the original 3 person. And i was tasked to get the bicycle, fortunately managed to get fione to go with me hee. Went to e nearest Toys R Us aka kid's paradise @ Suntec to look for a suitable bicycle. But it was way too exp over 80 bucks n plus delivery, its another additional 25 bucks, not worth it. So we made our way to Carrefour, found a cheaper version but e brand was of an inferior brand. Then we made our way back to Toys R Us again, on the way, we walked past a big cute mural n decided to make some pose hee
Me and Camel

Don pull my tail......
Reaching for the sun
We made our way to the arcade too, we played the basketball game and its so embarrassing onli got 12 points and the highest score was 500 over.... i got the lowest............. Sob sob..... Never mind being the lowest, my basketball was bouncing all over the place.... some even bouncing back to me, fione's basketball even bounced into my lane hee, so dangerous, luckily din hurt anyone... But it was fun, real fun, my 1st experience playing this game. Played the mario racing game too, though was bumping here n there still managed to finished the race, the best part was, I don need a license nor sense of direction to drive hee, i can still drink and drive keekeekee...
Back to Toy R Us, still couldn't decide, so we called our dear ah ma, in the end we din buy anything, fione will go back to the bicycle shop near her place to check it out. But in the end, Ah ma ended up buying the bike and delivered to my colleague's place hee
Postado Por:
hucklebeary às 10:50 PM
Friday, March 09, 2007
Couldn't remember when was the last time i stepped into Sentosa so Hui Jun aka Eeyore and me decided to venture into sentosa since its so convenient with the new LRT train @ Vivo city level 3. The 2 way ticket cost 3 bucks each. There's only a total of 4 stops with 1 of it closed. We got off at the 2nd stop and was greeted by our signature Merlion. And lots of pigs not forgetting this is the year of the pig, oink oink

Ok, enough of pigs, let's move on to our next destination which is our all time favorite underwater world, each ticket cost 19.90 bucks cum entry to the Pink Dolphin performance. Missed the show though as it was raining and the Pink Dolphin lagoon is at the other beach, couldn't make it in time for the last show at 5.30pm.
1st time touching a live starfish, not much feelings, just feel hard & rough hee, just be careful not to lift it out of the water though i do not know what will happen kekeke. Next, I got a question to ask, ever seen a turtle before? Its a stupid question but the next question i want to ask is, ever seen a turtle with pig nose? Amazed? There's one right at our underwater world.

Brief intro about the pig nosed turtle.... Here comes the real turtle....

Look at the nose, really looked like a pig nose right!!! This is the best shot i can get as its quite active keep swimming here & there hee. And within the tank, there's a wishing well with 3 little partitions each with the chinese wordings FU, LU, SHOU. And guess what, i managed to toss a coin out of fun and it dropped right into Fu, wah really made my day hope my year will be full of FU for myself, my family and friends.

Definition of Fu, Lu & Shou. Kind of small, hope its still readable.

Loving seahorses, always sticking together

Can you find the crab?
Funny eels, with their tails stucked into the sand all the time.

Giant spider crab specimen
Next, on our way to Palawan Beach where the Pink Dolphins is situated.
Looks kind of dirty with the dried seaweeds along the shore

Who's funny hand is that?????

Wanted to watch the musical fountain but missed it too as it was fully occupied. Next time got to be early, it pays to be kiasu hee. Refused entry by the staffs, next show is an hour later, decided not to wait, heading back to Harbourfront for our dinner at Pastamania hee
Postado Por:
hucklebeary às 1:43 PM

Hey gal, thanks for editing my blog skin, now my blog looks much lively and cheerful than before kekeke

Ok, time to sleep, good luck working today.
Postado Por:
hucklebeary às 1:41 PM